Sunday, October 2

backyard frog hunt.

It's common knowledge that boys like bugs. 
Me, I don't like bugs.
 Spiders are at the top of the list.
 Spiders have this effect on me.

The other day Noah volunteered to kill a spider for me. He grabbed a large shoe and started pounding at it while shouting "AHHH" at the top of his lungs. 
"Why are you yelling?" I shouted over him.
"Because that's how you kill the spiders." he said.

So to even out all the girly screaming I've taught my boys by example, 
all outdoor- pro-boy bug hunts are encouraged.

Frogs are the favorite.

{the hunt}
{love this picture}
{and this}
{frog found}
{the frog}
{happy day}

3 notes:

Liz said...

OK, for the record friend...a frog is not a bug. I need to get your clan down to the beach with us and show them our salamanders. Bliss.

Jess said...

Touche. Frogs eat bugs which is why they are my friends.

* Chrissy * said...

First, that frog is the smallest thing ever, especially in the hands of your men's little hands. Second, I have the same reaction to spiders. I'm deathly afraid of them. And lastly, Noah's reasoning for screaming while pounding on the spider made me belly over with laughter - WAY TOO CUTE!