Sunday, January 16


Max has Croup.
Croup is a winter virus that causes swelling around the vocal cords and a characteristic barky cough. Mild croup can usually be managed at home, but the RSV Max was hospitalized for as an infant damaged his lungs, and causes him to struggle a lot more than the norm with respiratory infections. Saturday he developed harsh stridor, a high pitched gasping sound when he breathes. I should have taken him in right then, knowing he would get worse as the night progressed, but got some bad medical advice from the Dr. on call. This guy.
He diagnosed him as having the "acheys" and then informed me he had a temperature of 5.
Concerned for hypothermia he made the decision to amputate.
Later on when Geno got home from a training he was teaching, I took Max to the clinic where they confirmed Croup and put him on steroids (and no Uncle Cub, these steroids only help his lungs - it is not the time to start him on a weight training program). The steroids were like a venti latte for Max and he was pretty wired the rest of the evening. Wired and a big, hot, emotional mess. By this point he had been up since 4 am the previous day and showed no signs of heavy eyes in his near future. After bedtime came and went it was clear his symptoms were worsening and wouldn't be sleeping. So grandma came and stayed with a sleeping Noah and we headed down to Marybridge. Whose ER, by the way, was recently remodeled and it was impressive. Not enough to make anyone want to spend their Saturday night in the hospital, but the previous ER waiting room was not a pretty sight. The childrens and adults were combined in one room, which meant bouncing your wheezing infant while keeping one eye on the lovely gentleman next to you intoxicated and singing to his invisible friends. The remodeled version boasted a built in fish tank, a flat screen playing cartoons, and no drunken serenades. It was like the Motel 6 burning down and being detoured to the Hilton. You get the idea. Back to Max. The hospital visit was far from a hotel stay for him.
I took 3 pictures of him during our 3 hour stay, during the 3 minutes he wasn't crying. He cried the other 2 hours and 50 minutes (yes we were counting) straight. He was just that miserable.
But he looked adorable in his hospital gown.
His Croup was moderately severe and his Dr said he was panicking because he felt like he couldn't breathe. A very scary feeling. The Dr. compared it to being in a gas chamber, something he used to treat kids for in the military. Pretty sure Max won't be enlisting anytime soon if he has flashbacks of this night.
They treated him with racemic epinephrine to decrease the swelling and more steroids. He got to go home where he didn't sleep but was more comfortable. Today his diet consisted of ice cream and otterpops, which brought him smiles.
Right now he's camped out next to me on the couch while his brother is slumbering away. I think we're in for another really long night. Look for my husband on the roads tonight at 2 am. Last night he logged 110 miles on our new van trying to subdue him to sleep. Pretty sure he's glad we opted for the heated seats now but I don't think I'll remind him of that tonight.

4 notes:

Sarah said...

1. You sound really smart with all your medical mumbo jumbo.
2. Totally agree with your assessment of TG/Mary Bridge. Beautiful but a little creepster.
3. Sorry Max was so sick but I'm glad he is feeling better.
4. Maybe medicine isn't Noah's calling. Just sayin.

Jacob Beaty said...

Poor buddy, hope he feels better. And I would agree the 1st dose of steroids were not muscle building but that second dose.... 2 weeks later he's askin you "How much ya bench, mom?"

Anonymous said...

Poor maxers, hope he gets better faster. At least ice cream is always a good distraction and throat soother. The pic of Noah with the sword is really funny.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama said...

That all sounds incredibly familiar.... :)